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Selectmen Minutes 04/06/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
April 6, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, and Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Quimby, Alan Mayville, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, John Dever, Walter Sanborn, Pat Clarke, John Martell, Ed Millette, Kris Cole, Matt Cole, Barbara Frangione, Thomas Houle

Selectman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads

Police: Chief Clarke is back to full staffing.
Emergency Management Director:  John Martell expressed the need for an interim Deputy EMD until the investigation involving the current deputy is complete.  Mr. Martell was clear that it was nothing personal as he is the one who brought the current deputy forward.  He just feels that since the deputy must work closely with the Fire Department an interim deputy might be appropriate at this time.  This is not to replace Mr. Vien, but to have an interim. Mr. DeBold and Mr. Paveglio agreed and Mr. Jordan did not agree.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to place Gilbert Vien on administrative leave from Deputy Emergency Management Director duties until the investigation involving Mr. Vien is resolved.  Motion passed (Mr. Jordan voted no).

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Patrick Clarke as the interim Deputy Emergency Management Director.  Motion passed.

Building Inspector:  Mr. Dever reports that he has been busy.  He told the Selectmen that he has enjoyed being in Chichester.  Mr. Dever’s last day in Chichester is April 8th.

Highway: The highway department is just about done grading gravel.  They are continuing to clear brush.  The inmates are working out fine.  Jim has some of the new RSA compliant signs and he will be putting those up.  Jim has been working with John Martell on the second set of FEMA submittals.  Jim has started the NIMS training on line.  Jim has been in contact with District five.  They want to take care of the puddle at the end of Bear Hill.  District 5 will provide men and two trucks.  They would like us to provide our excavator for 2 or 3 hours.

Mr. Plunkett is working on having Mason Road fixed and culverts installed.  The logger that did damage on Mason Road was sent a request for payment of the portion he is responsible for.

All the storm damage costs were computed and submitted to FEMA.  

Nancy has been working with Brian Menard and Jim Plunkett on an issue in front of Mr. Menards property.  Mr. Menard provided photos of debris/damage by the roadside in front of his house.  The highway department has been out early to clean that up.  Mr. Menard also believes Hilliard Road is actually on his property.  Nancy reviewed the CLD findings and map with the Selectmen.   The map shows the traveled roadway within the right of way.  Nancy will order a copy of the map for Mr. Menard and send him a letter.  

Fire Department:  Alan Quimby reports the department is still actively looking at trucks.  Kris Cole researched a vendor for new cones that are necessary to meet safety standards.  She recommends purchasing the cones from TCI for a total of $887 for 50 cones.  Mr. DeBold agreed the department should have the cones for safety.

Matt Cole received two quotes for restriping the parking lot:
$425 – Gold Star Seal Coating (does not include lines in the bays)
$450 – Cotes Parking Lot Striping (includes lines in the bays).
Matt recommended using Cotes as they were able to meet with Matt to discuss the work and their price includes the indoor striping as well.  

Chief Clarke mentioned that there is a sizable crack in the pavement.  Highway will have that added to their work order for the roads.  

Alan reports that the Ambulance billing rates were last reviewed in 2009.  They have a chainsaw safety class scheduled for Saturday.  The Selectmen were updated on their recent trainings and call volume.  

Mrs. Frangione pointed out that Chichester was early on scene to two recent mutual aid fires.

Mr. Jordan said he received a report of a Loudon Ambulance going straight by the Country Store (wrong way).  Alan will contact their Chief.  

Heritage Commission/Library:  Lucille Noel was present to report.  The front door and sign are in need of repair.  They have a cleanup scheduled for Saturday.  The Policy manual is being updated.

Kate Hall has expressed interest in the Heritage Commission.  Her name was added to the list of those who will be interviewed by the Selectmen.

Mike Dodge – Town Computers
Mr. Paveglio had questions about town email accounts and backup procedures.  Mr. Dodge said the only two departments not being backed up on the TH server are the Fire and Police Departments.  The back up procedure we currently use was discussed as well as alternatives.  Mike Dodge will provide an estimate for having Fire and Police backed up to the TH server.  

Mr. Paveglio would like to see everyone switched over to a email.  

Other Business

Community Building Bathroom:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to hire Bob Gagne for option “A” in his quotation and to replace the tank in the amount of $1,023.59 to be paid for out of the community building repair line.  Motion passes.

Appointments:  Mike Paveglio spoke to Dennis Call who said it has been common practice to switch off alternates.  Mr. Paveglio proposes to make Norm the alternate and Dennis a full member.  Nancy will have paperwork changed.  

Meetings:  Mr. Paveglio will be on vacation and will not be present at next week’s Selectmen’s meeting.  He will also miss the ZBA hearing; Jeff Jordan will attend the ZBA hearing in Mike’s absence.  

Tiernan:  Kevin Mara discussed with Selectmen DeBold an issue with the Tiernan property.  Ever since the Connemara Development was put in Ms. Tiernan has had a water problem (flooding).   Mr. DeBold suspects this may be a civil issue between Ms. Tiernan and the developer, but on behalf of our resident he would like the Town Administrator to look into the situation and find out what rights/recourse this resident has.  

Health Officer:  The position of Health Officer was discussed.  Mr. DeBold stated that he feels this position goes along with the Building Inspector duties.  Mr. Jordan feels the Health Officer Position deals a lot with animal issues and that the State will provide guidance on the human health issues.  Mr. Paveglio is concerned that the Health Officers duties will take too much of the Building Inspectors time.  

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(b), a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into non-public session to discuss the candidate for the Building Inspector position.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan– yea, DeBold yea, Paveglio-yea.  Motion passes.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the non-public session at 8:58pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan– yea, DeBold yea, Paveglio-yea.  Motion passes. The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

Unanticipated Funds: Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $304.00 received from Concord Hospital to pay personnel in support of an H1N1 clinic.  Motion passes.

Hazard Mitigation Plan:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adopt the Hazard Mitigation Plan as revised. Motion passes.

Dam:  Mr. DeBold was looking into a letter we received from the State regarding a dam in town.  The issue has been resolved as the State is the owner of the dam and it is their responsibility.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

The minutes from March 30, 2010 were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
    Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman   Richard DeBold                                    D. Michael Paveglio